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Merge 2 OneDrive Accounts with Office 365 OneDrive Migration Tool

Published By Siddharth Tehri
Aswin Vijayan
Approved By Aswin Vijayan
Published On January 30th, 2024
Reading Time 4 Minutes Reading

Julie Cobb: “I am the team leader in an organization. I used to store my important files in OneDrive personal account. I have to share these files with my colleagues again and again. Now, I want an account where users keep collaborate on documents. So I am thinking of moving my OneDrive account to OneDrive business account. What is the best way to accomplish this? Can anyone please suggest any Office 365 OneDrive migration tool?”
Vernon James: “We are looking to merge two Onedrive Accounts. Is there a process to follow to achieve this? Is there any OneDrive for business file migration tool or do we have to perform this manually? Any help or suggestion would be highly appreciated.”
Are you also facing the same problem to combine two Onedrive accounts? Want a safe and reliable method for OneDrive business migration but, unaware of the solution? Well, the task is not that difficult. We are here to guide you.

Why you need Onedrive for Business File MigrationTool?

OneDrive: It is the cloud storage device used to store different types of files. Different types of files like audio, video, images, documents can be stored over the network. This storage device is accessed by a single user. OneDrive possesses the capability to generate the HTML code of any file. Once the user obtains the HTML code, the file can be attached anywhere. OneDrive account is not suitable for any organization or business environment.

OneDrive for Business: OneDrive for business includes some additional features. Similar to the personal account, it also stores different types of files in the cloud. Also, this storage device can be used by multiple users. OneDrive for business facilitates any user to download the files stored in SharePoint Server. Only OneDrive for business can access the features of SharePoint server.

Reasons for Office 365 OneDrive Data Migration

OneDrive for business is considered to be the most suitable application for the business environment. It possesses many advanced features which makes it distinct from other storage devices. There are many reasons due to which a user needs to merge 2 OneDrive accounts. Some of the prominent reasons being:

1. The storage space offered by OneDrive storage in less as compared to OneDrive for Business.
2. Admin Users may want to migrate data form one Domain to another.
3. OneDrive for business manages and preserves the account in a far better way.
4. OneDrive for Business provides advanced authentication management to its users
5. OneDrive business account has complete control over versioning and expiration dates.
6. Allows Document Collaboration for sharing with specific sharing permissions

Best Solution: OneDrive Migration Tool

One of the best ways to migrate data between OneDrive accounts is to use the third-party tool like OneDrive for Business file migration tool. This is a trouble-free solution to move files from OneDrive account to another account & combine two OneDrive accounts. Some of the unique features which make it advanced to other available products are:

  • Software can transfer files and documents between different OneDrive accounts
  • Export report in CSV file format is generated and saved at the end of migration
  • The product is compatible with Windows 10, 8.1, 8,7 and all other below versions
  • Export process can be paused, resumed or stopped at any instant of time
  • Permissions can be moved from first OneDrive account to another OneDrive account
  • Using Admin account, Office 365 OneDrive for business items can be migrated
  • Provides the facility to apply date filter while carrying out OneDrive migration

The Bottom Line

OneDrive is a storage device that is used to store files and documents like audio, video, images and different types of files. OneDrive for Business is also a storage device that stores its data in the cloud. ODBA (OneDrive business account) contains all the features exhibited by personal account but, it also possesses some extra features. OneDrive for business is accessed by multiple users. OneDrive Administrators may require moving data from one domain to another. Due to all these benefits, users prefer to merge two OneDrive accounts. This is done by using a third-party tool like OneDrive for business file migration tool. According to the experts, it is the best OneDrive Migration tool.