How to Number Pages in PDF Document Safely?
In today’s period of life, a lot of people work and deal with PDF documents. We come across so much data that we organize with the help of PDF documents. But when these PDF files start getting bulked at a place, it rarely becomes easy to retrieve required data from the PDF files. So here, in this blog, I shall be discussing the necessity of organizing PDF files, and a method on How to number pages in PDF documents will be described.
So let’s start discussing some situations where Bates numbering PDF documents become a necessity.
Why Add Page Numbers in PDF?
You can easily understand the necessity in PDF page numbering through the situations displayed below
Situation 1:
When one works in court, say for Advocates. They have to document a large number of facts and figures as evidence and other statements. Due to the technology development, many of the Advocates prefer using PDF to document them. When the case extends to a long period, it becomes difficult for the person to manage these files.
Situation 2:
A person working in a business firm. He requires to document all the development done on that particular day into a PDF file. At a point of referral, the person finds it difficult to get the required data due to a large number of PDF files placed at a location. He wants to maintain the PDF files for easy referrals & get to know that adding Bates stamp to PDF can organize the PDF files. Thus, the person searches for a method.
With the above situations mentioned, you can easily figure out the requirement of page numbering in PDF documents.
How to Number Pages in PDF File? – Efficient Solution
The effective solution to place page numbers in documents is named PDF Bates Numberer. This method is capable of putting numbers in pages of PDF files easily and efficiently. Apart from numbering to normal PDF files, this method automatically removes the edit restrictions from the PDF file and adds page numbers to it. Also, this application offers to perform the numbering task on multiple PDF files in bulk. We will know more about this application in the coming section.
Steps to Number Pages in PDF File
You need to download the application, install it, and follow the steps given below to organize PDF file(s) for easy retrievals
- Run utility on the system to add bates numbers to PDF files.
- Add PDF files and check to Remove Encryption from PDF files (if PDF file is restricted) option.

- When proceeded, add Bates details to be displayed and set Position and add customizations as required.

- You can also do additional settings.

- Finally, click Preview to see and if satisfied, click Generate to number pages in PDF file.

After process completion, view the files. Now let us see some features that this application offers to us.
Features in Adding Sequential Numbers to PDF Documents
There are many features offered by the application. Some among the major features to number pages in PDF document are described below
- Restricted PDFs can be numbered without entering password: The application helps the user in Bates numbering PDF documents with security. The user need not even know the password for decrypting. Only, you have to check for the Encryption removal option and the page numbers will be added on PDFs with a security password.
- Generate Bates Stamp for Pages or File- Page: You can generate bates numbers page wise for all PDF files or you can choose to number file and page together (01-01, 01-02, ….02-01, 02-02,… so on.)
- Print PDF file with added Page Numbers: Another interesting feature is the Print PDF option. In this, the user can directly print the PDF file by adding page numbers to it. Also, many print customizations are provided for more satisfied PDF file printing with added bates stamp.
Also Read: Split Large PDF Files into Multiple Parts – Best Techniques Explained
In this article, we have discussed how to number pages in PDF documents. We have provided an easy and efficient method to perform the PDF numbering task for you. Also, have gathered some reasons and discussed why it became necessary to add sequential page numbers to PDF files. Go along the blog to get to your solution with more than you required.