Home » Data Recovery » SharePoint Hard Disk Failure Corruption – Causes and the Consequences

SharePoint Hard Disk Failure Corruption – Causes and the Consequences

Published By Siddharth Tehri
Aswin Vijayan
Approved By Aswin Vijayan
Published On December 27th, 2022
Reading Time 4 Minutes Reading

Author Bio: 130+ range of data recovery, data conversion, etc. domain tools are owned by the company amongst which SharePoint Recovery for resolving SharePoint hard disk failure corruption belongs to database recovery domain.

Summary: In this segment, readers will be able to discover about the issues and causes of SharePoint hard disk failure corruption issue and how external SharePoint Recovery tool are better solutions for resolving it.
Title: SharePoint Hard Disk Failure Corruption – Causes and the Consequences

Body: SharePoint is a Server where data sharing to multiple recipients can take place over a platform. This could be sharing of documents, files, images, information, sites, etc. Meanwhile, this online storage and sharing point also comes across corruption issues related to hard drive complicating the situation largely. In addition, when SharePoint hard disk failure corruption issue takes place, it quite impossible for the users to resolve it using built in utilities or commands. Hence, the requirement of getting into the cause of such corruption, its consequences and available repair techniques come across. This segment is based on all the mentioned topics, which will help readers to get aware of this type of corruption and resolution without coming across any hassles.

What Happens In SharePoint Hard Disk Failure Corruption?

In this case, of corruption, plenty of error messages could come up while trying to resolve corruption via command based utilities. For a real-time scenario to understanding the situation, suppose that a system with Service Pack S 2003 on a Windows 2003 Server is being used. SharePoint of 2003 edition was installed on the platform when all of a sudden hard disk crash was experience. Due to the crash of hard disk, even the Server may be crashed consequently.

In this case, rebuilding everything right from the scratch might be tried by the users, which may lead to nothing other than the Windows Server 2003 with SPS 2003.

Trying to rebuild database via SQL Server may show up error messages stating logical corruption:

“Database ‘STS_mittelheim_1′ cannot be opened. It has been marked SUSPECT by recovery. See the SQL Server errorlog for more information.”

Another attempt of repair usually performed by users is via putting up the SharePoint database in emergency mode and then running command; DBCC CHECKDB.

However, even this attempt fails several times displaying the error messages as follows:

“SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: incorrect pageid (expected 1:1022464; actual 0:0). It occurred during a read of page (1:1022464) in database ID 5 at offset 0x000001f3400000 in file ‘C:\…\STS_mittelheim_1_Data.mdf’.”

Again and again running DBCC CHECKDB with different commands would result in a similar manner hence, trying so would only be a waste of time.

What Next?

By this time, any user would be aware of the fact that this SharePoint hard disk failure corruption issue is non-repairable via the command-based utility. In addition, the only solution that seemed safe was restoring the database from a last good known backup. However, in extreme cases of corruption where the damage has already reached within the core of database or a number of attempts have already been made only error messages tend to arise.

Using a third party tool instead would be a better solution. These applications are purposely designed to offer users with an effortless recovery without failure. This is because; such applications are created with the potential of resolving all types of corruption issues, which may possibly damage SharePoint database. One of them is SharePoint hard disk failure corruption issue and the suggested third party tool is SharePoint Recovery ranked as one of the best to overcome respective issues. The application does not demand technical know-how, works with simple steps, and guarantees the recovery of database items within a short procedure, which is guaranteed completely.

The benefit of our application is that it comes with a trial edition, which can be used for examining it before purchase. Once analyzed; the tool can later be purchased with confidence to execute complete functions.


SharePoint hard disk failure Corruption issues are totally unpredictable whether on small scale database or large platforms for database creation or maintenance and SharePoint is counted amongst one of the large scale ones. To fix corruptions of SharePoint Server one must be having the type of solution, which matches its level of expertise and technicalities as well.